Graduate Student Committee (GSCAMS) Funding

1. Procedures of changing the name of the account at Chevy Chase Bank.
The new Treasurer fills out the form with their name to be added to the account, the previous Treasurer's name to be removed (previous Treasurer need not be involved). If the faculty advisor to the Graduate Student Committee (GSCAMS) has changed, remove their name as well (adding the new faculty advisor's name and signature). Take the form to the Office of Campus Programs in the Stamp Student Union. They verify the existence of the GSCAMS and type up the form on Maryland letterhead paper. Take the typed form to the Chevy Chase Bank branch in the Student Union. To change the name attached to the account with the IRS, call the IRS for instructions. At this point it appears it is not necessary to obtain a new Employer Identification Number (EIN).

2. Procedures of submitting application at GSG for funding.
Information about how to apply for funding at Graduate Student Government (GSG) can be found at GSG website. Please click here (.doc, .pdf) to see a sample EFR-1 form.