Qualifying Exam Requirements
I. Applied Mathematics
- Three total qualifying exams:
- Math Department Written Qual (student’s choice, see below)
- Application Area Qual (written exam in outside department if offered, or qualifying coursework [2 courses/6 credits] when oral/written qual is not offered)
- For qualifying coursework, an overall GPA of at least 3.5 required
- A third Qual
- Additional Math Written Qual, OR
- Additional Application Area Qual, OR
- Coursework sequence from the list at Applied Mathematics Qualifying Exam Requirements
- For Mathematics coursework sequence, at least B or 3.0 grade in each class and an overall GPA of 3.5
II. Applied Statistics
- Three total qualifying exams:
- Mathematical Statistics (Math Department Written Qual)
- Applied Statistics (Math Department Written Qual)
- Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Computing course sequence (overall GPA of at least 3.5)
- Multivariate Analysis: One of STAT702, STAT707, STAT730, STAT750, EDMS771, BMGT837, or BIOM621
- Statistical Computing:
- STAT705, or
- AMSC 660 plus one Applied Statistical Computing course in an outside department
III. Scientific Computing
- No qualifying exam requirements besides coursework
IV. Math Department’s Written Qualifying Exams:
- Analysis
- Statistics
- Geometry
- Applied Statistics
- Probability
- Algebra