Applied Mathematics Qualifying Exam Requirements

Each Applied Math PhD Student will pass three qualifying requirements as proposed in his/her Study Advisory Plan and approved by the AMSC Graduate Committee.

  1. The first must be a Mathematics Department Written Qualifying Exam in either Algebra, Analysis, Probability, Applied Statistics, or Statistics mathematics area. To prepare, see the scanned copies of old exams.

  2. The second must be a qualifying requirement in his/her application area, whatever form that takes: Application Area Qualifying Exam.
    • If a participating department does not offer written Qualifying/Comprehensive exams, presentation of course grades in lieu of the exam as prescribed by the participating department may be submitted to the Graduate Committee for evaluation of pass or fail.
      • If you plan to take courses to satisfy qualifying requirements, these courses must be listed on your Study Advisory Plan and approved by the Graduate Committee.
    • In some instances, some participating departments that do not give written exams will give oral examinations (with at least two examiners).
    • All exams and courses will be evaluated at the doctorate or master's level.
    • If coursework is used to satisfy a qualifying exam requirement, the student must submit the Course Evaluation Form.

  3. The third can be either:
    • a second qualifying requirement in his/her application area, whatever form that takes;
    • a second Mathematics Department Written Qualifying Exam in either Algebra, Analysis, Probability, Applied Statistics, or Statistics;
    • pass three courses with a grade of B or better and a GPA of at least 3.5 for PhD students (or at least a 3.0 GPA for MS students), where two of the courses must be from one of the sequences:
      • MATH 600-601
      • MATH 630-631
      • MATH 730-740
      • AMSC 660-661
      • AMSC 666-714
      • AMSC 666-715
      • AMSC 673-674
      • STAT 600-601
      • STAT 700-701

and the third course can be drawn from the above list or from:

      • MATH 634
      • MATH 642
      • MATH 660
      • MATH 670
      • MATH 712
      • MATH 713
      • MATH 734
      • AMSC 714
      • AMSC 715
      • AMSC 763
      • AMSC 764
      • CMSC 616
      • STAT 650
    • If coursework is used to satisfy a qualifying exam requirement, the student must submit the Course Evaluation Form.

* Students cannot use both the written exam and their respective preparation course(s) as 2 separate qualifying requirements. Please refer to the table below:  

Qualifying ExamPreparation Courses
Analysis MATH 630, 660
Algebra MATH 600, 601
Probability STAT 600, 601
(Mathematical) Statistics STAT 700, 701
Applied Statistics STAT 740, 741

- For example, students cannot use both the Analysis Written Exam and a course work sequence qual that includes MATH630 on their study plan. 

AM/SC Qualifying Exam Substitution

Students who are still deciding between the AM and SC tracks have the option of taking AMSC 660-661 and CMSC616. Successful completion of this sequence (GPA of 3.5 or better for PhD students or a 3.0 GPA or better for MS students) satisfies one qualifying exam requirement for the AM track, or helps fulfill the preliminary coursework requirements for the SC track.