Applied Statistics Preliminary Requirements

The student must fulfill the below three requirements in accordance with a Study Advisory Plan approved by the AMSC Graduate Committee. If the student deviates from a previously approved Study Plan, the student must submit a revised Study Plan to the Graduate Committee for approval before applying for candidacy.

I. Course Requirements

The student must finish the specified course requirements. (details)

II. Qualifying Exam Requirements

The student must meet three qualifying examination requirements at a Ph.D level. (details)

III. Seminar Requirements

The student must take two approved one-credit seminar courses.

  • an approved RIT course (AMSC 689);
  • an appropriate seminar offered by a participating department.

The purpose of this seminar requirement is to acquaint students with a variety of applications of mathematics. To receive credit, the student is expected to attend the seminar regularly and to give at least one half-hour talk. If the student decides to take a seminar course in a participating department, he or she must have permission of the AMSC office. The faculty member in charge of the seminar must attest that the requirements listed above have been met.

IV. Data Analysis Project

The student must fulfill the Data Analysis Project requirement. (details)