Applied Statistics Course Requirements

Within the first two years of their admission to the program, incoming students seeking a PhD degree should complete the following courses:

  • Statistics Core Courses:
    • Mathematical Statistics I and II: STAT 700-701
    • Linear Statistical Models I and II: STAT 740-741
    • Multivariate Analysis (one of the following):
      • STAT 750
      • EDMS 657
      • EDMS 769M
      • BMGT 837
      • BIOM 621
    • Statistical Computing (one of the following):
      • STAT 705
      • AMSC 660 and one Applied Statistical Computing course (Business,Public Health,Biometrics,etc.)
  •  Area of Application Courses:
    • A year of coursework in an area of application, consisting of 6-9 credits. 
  • Electives:
    • Three credits of elective coursework which shall be chosen by the student with the approval of his or her Study Advisory Committee.

No course may be used to meet more than one requirement, and thesis research (799, 899) is not to be counted toward course requirements. Most courses clearly fall into either one category or the other; if a question does arise, it is the function of the Graduate Committee to decide the category into which a given course is to be placed.