Sci Comp Header
The Scientific Computation Concentration emphasizes computation and its applications. Students will study computation in a variety of applied fields: Physical + Life Sciences, Engineering, Business, and Social Science. Students also have the opportunity to train in computational techniques and high performance computing.

Admission into the Scientific Computation Concentration requires a strong background in mathematics, an application area, and computation. Students will apply their training in computation to a problem in a specific discipline such as physics, engineering, finance, or biology. A student already admitted to the AMSC program can change between the three Concentrations with the approval of the AMSC Graduate Committee.

Scientific Computation Degree Offerings

AM/SC Qualifying Exam Substitution

Students who are still deciding between the AM and SC tracks have the option of taking AMSC 660-661 and CMSC616. Successful completion of this sequence (GPA of 3.5 or better) satisfies one qualifying exam requirement for the AM track, or helps fulfill the preliminary coursework requirements for the SC track.