Scientific Computation Core Science Courses
Every Scientific Computation student is expected to apply computational methods in a science discipline. The core science courses are intended to provide students with a foundation in their chosen discipline.
They must be graduate-level (600-level or above) core courses from a discipline outside Mathematics and Computer Science. (The word "science" should be considered an abbreviation for "physical science, life sciences, engineering, business, and social science".)
Core science courses for the Scientific Computation program should be selected with the advice from the relevant science departments, subject to the approval of the Study Advisory Committee. Students planning their programs should make sure the courses they choose are being taught regularly. The following are examples of courses that might be appropriate as core science courses:
Aerospace Engineering
ENAE 674 Aerodynamics of Compressible Fluids
ENAE 684 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
ENAE 685 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
ASTR 600 Stellar Atmospheres
ASTR 605 Stellar Interiors and Evolution
ASTR 620 Galaxies
ASTR 640 Radiation and Plasma Processes
ASTR 670 Interstellar Matter
Atmospheric Sciences
AOSC 610-611 Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean I and II
AOSC 620-621 Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere I and II
AOSC 647 Machine Learning in Earth Science
Business and Management
BMGT 830 Linear Programming
BMGT 834 Operations Research: Probabilistic Models
Electrical & Computer Engineering
ENEE 620 Random Processes in Communication and Control
ENEE 627 Information Theory
ENEE 631 Digital Image and Video Processing
ENEE 633 Statistical Pattern Recognition
ENEE 651 Parallel Algorithms
Fluid Dynamics
ENME 640 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
ENME 641 Viscous Flow
ENME 642 Hydrodynamics
ENME 725 Probabilistic Optimization
ENME 741 Operations Research Models in Engineering
GEOL 614 Thermodynamics of Geological Processes
GEOL 641 Advanced Structural Geology
GEOL 646 Crustal Petrology
PHYS 601 Theoretical Dynamics
PHYS 606 Electrodynamics
PHYS 622-625 Quantum Mechanics series
BIOM 601 Biostatistics I
NACS 643 Computational Neuroscience
CMSC 723 Natural Language Processing