RITs & Seminars

Students in the Applied Statistics and Applied Mathematics tracks must take two approved one-credit seminar courses.


I. One-credit Seminar Courses

One-credit seminar courses include:

  • an approved RIT (AMSC 689);
  • the Applied Mathematics Seminar (AMSC 699) [not currently offered];
  • an appropriate seminar offered by a participating department.

Student-run seminars are not eligible to be used for the seminar/RIT degree requirement. 

To receive credit, the student is expected to attend the seminar regularly and to give at least one half-hour talk on an application of mathematics. If the student decides to take a seminar course in a participating department, he or she must have prior consent of the AMSC Director or submit a study plan (including the seminar course) for approval to the AMSC Graduate Committee. The faculty member in charge of the seminar must attest that the requirements listed above have been met.

II. What are RITs?

RITs help students find dissertation advisors. They meet regularly to share and discuss research. At these meetings, students can practice for more formal presentations. Students also discover professional opportunities through RITs since outside scientists or mathematicians often join RITs. Most RITs meet as informal seminars with active student participation.

  • Students are expected to choose an RIT by their third year. 
  • The current list of RITs, including the organizers and meeting information (i.e., day/time/location), can be found on this webpage
  • Students interested in getting credit for an RIT must secure an RIT faculty mentor, typically the student’s advisor and who ultimately assigns a grade for the credit. If the student doesn’t yet have an advisor or the student’s advisor cannot attend the RIT, the student can contact the organizers of the RIT or another attending faculty member to request that he/she acts as the mentor.
    • Once an RIT faculty mentor is secured, the student should contact the AMSC Coordinator, requesting to receive credit for the RIT prior to the semester or at least prior to the semester’s add/drop deadline with the names of the RIT and faculty mentor.
  • Doctoral students who have reached candidacy can carry out their dissertation work within an RIT but should register for AMSC 899 (Dissertation Research), rather than AMSC 689.

 The following is a list of RITs previously offered:

  • RIT on Applied Partial Differential Equations
  • RIT on Statistics
  • RIT on Analysis of Complex Networks
  • RIT on Advanced Elementary Number Theory
  • RIT on Quantum Information
  • RIT on Geometry and Physics
  • RIT on Higgs Bundles
  • RIT on Weather, Chaos, and Data Assimilation
  • RIT on Financial Mathematics
  • RIT on Computational Linguistics (aka CLIP Colloquium)
  • Cancer Modeling RIT
  • RIT on Optimization and Equilibrium Problems with Applications in Engineering
  • RIT on Particle Systems
  • RIT on Air Traffic Management
  • RIT on Deep Learning