Weekly Seminars

The AMSC program is excited to introduce a weekly seminar series starting this Spring. The seminars aim to foster collaboration between faculty and students, showcase research, and encourage student recruitment. Held every Monday at 4:00 PM in MATH 3206 (or virtually via Zoom), the series offers both synchronous and asynchronous presentation options. Join us for the first seminar on February 24 and stay tuned for ongoing weekly sessions. Recordings of the seminars can be accessed by the UMD community here

Next Week

Date: Monday, March 10, 2025

Time: 4:15 PM

Place: MATH 3206 (Colloquium Room)

Speaker: Elana Fertig (School of Medicine)

Title: Forecasting carcinogenesis

Abstract: This talk presents a hybrid mathematical modeling and bioinformatics strategy to uncover interactions between neoplastic cells and the microenvironment during carcinogenesis and therapeutic response. As pancreatic cancer develops, it forms a complex microenvironment of multiple interacting cells. The microenvironment of advanced cancer includes a dense composition of cells, such as macrophages and fibroblasts, that are associated with immunosuppression. New single-cell and spatial molecular profiling technologies enable unprecedented characterization of the cellular and molecular composition of the microenvironment. These technologies provide the potential to identify candidate therapeutics to intercept immunosuppression. Inventing new mathematical approaches in computational biology are essential to uncover mechanistic insights from high-throughput data for these precision interception strategies. Here, we demonstrate how converging technology development, machine learning, and mathematical modeling can relate the tumor microenvironment to carcinogenesis and therapeutic response. Combining genomics with mathematical modeling provides a forecast system that can yield computational predictions to anticipate when and how the cancer is progressing for therapeutic selection. This mathematical forecast system will empower a new predictive oncology paradigm, which selects therapeutics to intercept the pathways that would otherwise cause future cancer progression.

Spring Semester Schedule

  • February 24: Maria Cameron (Mathematics)
  • March 3: Steven Gabriel (Mechanical Engineering)
  • March 10: Elana Fertig (School of Medicine)
  • March 17: Spring break - No Seminar
  • March 24: AMSC Open House - No Seminar
  • March 31: Haizhao Yang (Mathematics)
  • April 7: Bill Fagan (Biology)
  • April 14: Antony Jose (Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics)
  • April 21: Harry Dankowicz (Mechanical Engineering)
  • April 28: Ricardo Nochetto (Mathematics)
  • May 5: Alexander Estes (School of Business)

Past Seminar Details