Master's Degree with Applied Statistics Concentration (Without Thesis)

I. Coursework Requirements

  • A minimum of 33 course credits:
    • 18 credits must be in the statistics core courses
    • At least 6 credits must be in application area 
    • 6 credits of electives
  • 2 credits of seminar: Students can choose Applied Statistics Seminar(AMSC 761) or approved seminars offered by a participating department
  • 1 credit of Data Analysis Project (AMSC 762) as part of the Comprehensive Examination requirement

II. Qualifying Exams

Pass the qualifying exam requirement, written exams at the M.S. level and course sequences with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

III. Scholarly Paper

Write a Scholarly Paper on an acceptable topic in applied statistics under the guidance of designated faculty advisor. The paper must include an abstract and references to all literature used. The paper must also be approved by the designated faculty advisor.