Scientific Computation Certificate Program
The certificate program is designed to give graduate students in other departments an opportunity to study modern computational methods and at the same time give them recognition for their extra efforts.
I. Requirements
This option is only available to students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program at the University of Maryland, College Park campus. To receive a certificate in "Scientific Computation", students must complete Scientific Computing I & II (or Numerical Analysis I & II) , Computer Organization and Programming for Scientific Computing, and one Applications course. The Applications course may be in their primary field of study. This totals 12 hours of course work, the University requirement for a certificate program.
II. Advising
Advising for the Certificate program will be handled by a Graduate Certificate Program Coordinator appointed by the Dean for Graduate Studies and Research on the recommendation of the AMSC Graduate Committee. The Coordinator will be assisted by an Advisory Committee for Certificates appointed by the AMSC Graduate Committee.
Students seeking a certificate in Scientific Computation will plan a program of courses together with the Advisory Committee and possibly in consultation with other faculty members. The study plan must be sent to the Director and to the Chair of the student's major department, and must have the final approval of the Graduate Committee.
III. Already Enrolled in a PhD Program?
Certification Students enrolled in other PhD programs often choose to get master's degree via the dual master's PhD program instead of a Graduate Certification. Students seeking a master's degree in AMSC are required to to fill out an Approved Program Form.