Congratulations 2016-2017 Graduates!
Ph.D. August 2017
Yimei Fan Thesis: Statistical Learning with Application in High Dimensional Data and Health Care Analytics Advisor: Ilya Ryzhov |
Xia Hu Thesis: Application of Mathematical and Computational Models to Mitigate the Overutilization of Healthcare Systems Advisors: Bruce Golden, Sean Barnes |
Oliver Lum Thesis: Solving, Generating, and Modeling Arc Routing Problems Advisor: Bruce Golden |
Samuel Punshon-Smith Thesis: Capturing the Large Scale Behavior of Particle Systems through Coarse-Graining Advisor: David Levermore |
Hechao Sun Thesis: Describing Urgent Event on Twitter Using Network Statistics Advisor: Bill Rand |
M.S. August 2017
Matthew Becker Scholarly Paper: Collaborative Image Triage with Humans and Computer Vision Advisor: Doron Levy |
Ph.D. May 2017
Tingyue Gan Thesis: Spectral Analysis of Markov Jump Processes with Rare Transitions: A Graph-Algorithmic Approach Advisor: Maria Cameron |
Dongmian Zou Thesis: Nonlinear Analysis of Phase Retrieval and Deep Learning Advisor: Radu Balan |
M.S. May 2017
Danielle Middlebrooks Scholarly Paper: Application of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm Advisor: Kasso Okoudjou |
Franck Ndjakou Njeunje Scholarly Paper: Laplacian Eigenmaps Advisor: John Benedetto |
David Russell Scholarly Paper: Two Lagrangian Methods for Computing Coherent Structures in Ocean Flows Advisor: Kayo Ide |
Ph.D. December 2016
Maziar Raissi Thesis: Conic Economics Advisor: Dilip Madan |
Oliver Rourke Thesis: Processing Information on Intermediate Timescales within Recurrent Neural Networks Advisor: Daniel Butts |
Hana Ueda Thesis: Mathematical Models of Quorum Sensing Advisor: William Bentley |
M.S. December 2016
George Quinn Scholarly Paper: Pupil Dilation Hysteresis in Iris Recognition Advisor: Radu Balan |