Christopher Danforth and Peter Dodd's Instagram Depression Research
Christopher Danforth is an alumni of AMSC, PhD in 2006. In 2009 he was in the CMPS News​: "...., with co-author Peter Dodds, was mentioned in the Chronicle of Higher Education and Reuters, July 29 in articles on a recent paper they published in the Journal of Happiness Studies on incorporating direct human assessment of words, quantifying happiness levels on a continuous scale for a diverse set of large-scale texts: song titles and lyrics, weblogs, and State of the Union addresses." With a co-author Peter Dodds, Christopher Danforth published the 17th most discussed scientific study of 2017 (out of two million). In the Journal of Happiness Studies, their research discovered Instagram photos could aid in detecting depression in its early stages. Read more of this popular academic research here.